It is considered that the varicose veins effectively, it can be cured only with the help of a surgical procedure. However, this is not true. There are methods of treatment of varicose veins without operation, which allows to significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease, and at the same time to completely get rid of it in the start-up phase. The treatment of varicose veins without operation, the so-called conservatives, and therapeutic methods that are being used in a phlebological clinic.

Exactly, the methods of treating varicose veins without operation, in order to attract more number of patients and the perspective of the next operation. Of course, the run-of-the varicose veins in 4 to 6 stage-of-cure, non-operative ways, is almost impossible, but to ease the pain, reduce the swelling and even in visually shorten the barrel, the vienna – may.
The treatment of varicose veins without surgery – the new and modern methods of
Do I have to do the operation, when the varicose veins? No, it's not. Modern methods of treatment allows to eliminate the pain, and heaviness in the legs, and the visual manifestations of a disease, without a radical intervention. We should not forget the alternatives to the treatment of revenue from medicine of the people.
In spite of some of the phlebologist will refer to the techniques rather of a skeptic, and in-depth research in this field in our country have not yet been carried out, the folk are still giving a very significant positive effect on the treatment of the disease, which is confirmed in many cases.
Drug treatment
It is clear that the treatment of varicose veins without operation, some of the pills, without any other procedure will be ineffective. And when it's running in your veins, and it will be useless to you. Therefore, drug therapy should be started at the earliest stages of the disease, and to combine it with the methods of folk medicine, the size of the compression of the garment, and the compliance with a special diet and carrying out physical exercise.
In the course of taking the pills with the varicose veins, it is assigned to is also in the final stages of the treatment as maintenance therapy. The positive effect of the drug, usually comes within a couple of days, and if you don't it is hidden away in hassle-free.
All of the interactions with the tools that are used for the treatment of varicose veins, and generally are classified into several groups:
- Phlebotonics (give the tonus of the blood vessels). To contribute to the strengthening of the walls of the blood vessels, get them in, and they reduce the stickiness of the blood and improve its circulation, inhibiting the formation of blood clots.
- Anticoagulation (or antiplatelet agents) – drugs, specifically to reduce the clotting of the blood.
- To reduce the swelling of the feet, when of varicose veins.
- The anti-oxidants that speed up the metabolism of energy at the cellular level, which will in turn contribute to the more rapid upgrade. The representatives of this group, vitamins c, E, R, a, and B5.
- Anti-inflammatory agents, non-steroids – in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, may also have analgesic impact, thus reducing the pain. As a general rule, if you apply only for the duration of the acute stage of the varicose veins, and in the course of check-out lasts for more than a week's time.

Many of these drugs are available over the counter in pharmacies, some have to be ordered from the authorised dealers by manufacturers.
Herbal medicine
The methods of treatment of varicose veins without operation, and with the help of herbal medicine – another option for coping with the illness. As a general rule, there is an infusion of certain plants and herbs collection, which is then applied in conjunction with traditional medications.
The cure-all herb, especially in the implementation stage of the disease, it is, of course, is not to get but to get the relief that you can. Exactly how it will affect herbs in the rates for varicose veins?
- To produce the cleansing of the blood, and reduces its viscosity;
- In order to intensify the power of the blood flow;
- They increase the muscle tone of the walls of the blood vessels, strengthens the venous valves;
- Contribute to re-block the arteries.
You can read more about the role of herbal medicine in the fight against varicose veins, can be found at this link.
The tool is a folk medicine
How to be effective in he treatment of any medical condition, you are always recipes of folk medicine, thus contributing to the recovery, in conjunction with the data sheet the summary of a health care intervention. In the beginning, many of the professionals and is completely against this kind of "support". After all, the majority of the drug is done on the basis of natural products.
The treatment of the infection of the blood
Hirudotherapy is the real benefit of the use of leeches in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs? Medical studies have shown that the positive effects do exist.
To give:
- they relax the muscles of the legs, and restore the flow of lymph;
- liquefy the blood, thus inhibiting the formation of clots in the blood;
- to normalize blood pressure;
- the enzymes secreted tion of the blood in the blood and has anti-inflammatory action.
There are indications and contra-indications for the application of hirudotherapy, and these include the following:
- pregnancy;and
- hemophilia (neverthemore in the blood);
- the evil of education, and to the tumors;
- open cuts or wounds in the body.
- low blood pressure;
- allergies to enzymes, to give the (very rare).

Of the surgery a minimally
The methods of treatment of varicose veins, with no operations to include, minimally invasive surgery in the form of carrying out of operations without making incisions in the body of a person. Usually this is done with the help of small holes, or by the use of a natural physiological holes in the body. With the success of it is used as an alternative to traditional fast action. In the treatment of varicose veins, it has become the main method of surgical intervention — phlebectomy, sclerotherapy, and t. d.
Laser therapy
The laser treatment is firmly adhered to the modern medicine, due to the fact that the intervention is up and running with it, it has become possible to carry out, without compromising the integrity of the skin in the complexion of the patient.
This method is called endovenous laser coagulation (you may want to know the name of an endovenous obliteration is one and the same thing.
Laser coagulation and included several steps:
- Training, shave your legs, wear sterile clothing (disposable suits, and bathrobes are provided in the bathroom for now, they are being sold in almost all pharmacies);
- With the completion of the mapping of features, for which a phlebologist, or surgeon to determine the bounds of the dead, and the vessels, and the venous valves, after looking at your marker on the skin of the patient.
- The marked area is dtinycoretXia, and it is performed in local anesthesia.
- There is a small hole in the skin, and the area of vienna.
- The inside of the lumen of the vessel is introduced into a catheter in CBEtovodom;
- This is done tumescently anesthetic directly into a vein is injected with a medicine that contains epinephrine, and the anesthetic, with a low concentration. In addition to modifying the procedure for the purpose of protecting nearby tissue from overheating when the impact of the laser to fine-tune the diameter of the vessel.
- It is carried out the coagulation – "welding" of the vessel, such as welding;
- After you have completed the procedure, which takes about 30 minutes to an hour, at the site of the puncture pasted to the adhesive tape.
- The final step will be to tight bintSC feet in elastic bandage or a bandage, compression stocking.

The procedure is virtually pain-free. Once that's done, the patient can go back to the house.
When you have to give up the operations of the intervention?
How can we understand the necessity of operating in the interference with varicose veins, or disease, can be cured in alternative ways? A concrete answer to this question can give only to the medical specialist, after a thorough study of the whole organism.
Unfortunately, the majority of patients are relying on false sources of information that relate to the findings of the medical professionals, the practice of self-medication and worsening of their condition.
Of course, the best ways to prevent varicose veins, and the introduction of a special diet, a regular pass from a survey of evil is not going to do it. The treatment, referred to as a doctor, you should never overlook!